The company “MATEV” Ltd was founded in 1990 in the town of Haskovo and it is 100 % privately owned. The original activity of the company was production of zinc-coated water reservoirs for electric boilers and galvanic and metal services for customers from the region. Assistance in the form of credit from the Bulgarian-American Investment Fund contributes to the beginning of construction and equipment of technological line for production of electric boilers. The demand on the Bulgarian market, as well as the ambition to master up new technologies, imposed the construction of an enameling workshop. Only four years after its creation, the “MATEV” company closes the total production cycle and is present on the Bulgarian market for enameled, zinc-coated and stainless electric boilers. A new technological line for hot zinc coating of water reservoirs and details is put into exploitation since the beginning of 2002. The production program of "IAOAV" IID also includes production of heating mantels and water reservoirs. The "MATEV" company is among the few Bulgarian producers who had the chance to be included in IBD – Bulgarian Industry Support project /Germany/. Within the period 1996 ti 1998 the company "MATEV" was visited by German consultants in the sphere of production quality and organization, commercial activity organization and advertising etc. Owing to their experience and knowledge they contributed to a great extent for the development of the company as a contemporary, modern and fast developing enterprise. A second direction of the economic activity of “MATEV” Ltd exists since 2000 – cultivation of agrarian land, production and and storage of agrarian cultures. In the beginning of 2003 a fodder kitchen with capacity of 2,5 tons/hour combined fodder has been constructed. The workshop is equipped with new technological equipment, with granule press – imported from the Netherlands and own steam station. All kinds of nourishing combined fodders are produced, including granulated, for birds, pigs, rabbits, ruminating animals – for different ages and directions, on the basis of the grain raw materials – own production with supplement of the bioconcentrates from the Netherlandish-Bulgarian company “Provimi”. The fodder production is realized under the control and with the active cooperation of Professor Angelova from the Consulting office of “Provimi”. |